A biographical sketch (also referred to as biosketch) documents an individual's qualifications and experience for a specific role in a project. NIH requires submission of a biosketch for each …
Prepare biographical sketches for applications and progress reports for all applications and awards, except fellowships. The format page should be submitted as an attachment in grant …
Biosketch. All senior/key personnel and other significant contributors must include biosketches. Biosketches are required in both competing applications and progress reports. Figures, tables …
Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FIVE PAGES. EDUCATION/TRAINING …
A biographical sketch (limited to two pages) is required for each individual identified as senior project personnel. The following information must be provided in the order and format …
See the Biosketch templates, examples, and resources to the right and the recommendations in the table below. For related updates, see the Other Support Reporting page. NIH Biographical …
biographical sketch Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person.
2021年5月5日 · The updated Biosketch template is available in SciENcv. The old template also remains available. Applicants may convert existing Biosketches to the new format, when they …
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH INSTRUCTIONS Format: Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page to prepare this section for all grant applications. Figures, tables (other …