Gert Cauwenberghs, a professor in the Shu Chien Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego, is one of the coauthors of a Nature review paper on how to scale up neuromorphic computing.
In independent research in the American Journal of Physics, Ian Tregillis and George R.R. Martin derive a formula for viral behavior in the Wild Cards, a science fiction series written by a collection ...
Mubeen Goolam, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, South Africa, Lizhong Liu, Ph.D., Westlake University, China, and Kate MacDuffie, Ph.D., Seattle Children’s Research Institute, U.S.A., will contribute ...
A new experimental vaccine could offer protection not only against many variants of SARS-CoV-2, but also other sarbecoviruses that could spill over from animals to humans.