Hence, the local government is considered penny wise but pound foolish, wise and clever in saving small numbers of money but unwise (foolish) and wasteful with large sums. In Chinese, we use a similar ...
2025年春运从1月14日开始到2月22日结束,为期40天。今年春运期间,全社会跨区域人员流动量预计将达到90亿人次,铁路、民航客运量有望分别突破5.1亿人次和9000万人次,均创历史新高。 China ushered in the first day of the 2025 Spring Festival travel rush on January 14. Nine billion ...
据国家卫生健康委2025年1月10日透露,2024年我国居民健康素养水平达到31.87%,比2023年提高2.17个百分点。 China's health literacy rate reached 31.87 percent in 2024, a rise of 2.17 percentage points from the previous year, the National Health ...
Please explain “side-eye treatment” in this passage: It’s impossible not to like Emily Blunt. If you admitted that you didn’t, you’d probably receive side-eye treatment from everyone in the room.