Seeing a lynx can be a rare occurrence, but for one Corner Brook family, it’s happened not once but twice in the past month. Kelly George and her family live on upper Elswick Road in the Townsite area ...
As the 2019-2020 megafires took hold across eastern Australia, many of us reeled at the sight of animals trying and often failing to flee. Our screens ...
A woman claims to have captured on film “one of the legendary Great Ocean Road big black cats” on Thursday morning, before sighting another possible panther shortly afterwards.
Not only has he seen NFL in Dallas, football in London, baseball in Arlington and hockey in Boston, he's covered F1, AFL, Wimbledon and the Australian Open for a number of media outlets.
Wild winds have caused havoc in Sydney, with a church smashed, cars trapped and rail services disrupted during an afternoon of wild weather that could worsen over the weekend. Multiple cars were ...
DXY is taking a well-earned breather. Australian dollar is threatening a bigger bounce. But the CNY concrete shoes will not come off. Oil is a worry. Fed hawk Governer WAller was dovish.
Senior forecaster Dean Marramore said dry microbursts are actually "pretty common" in inland and outback areas across Australia due to "really hot conditions". But dry microbursts are less likely ...