Related to the T. rex, Albertosaurus are the fastest animal you'll see in Walking With Dinosaurs, and could run up to 30 miles an hour. They used this speed in packs to hunt down prey and tear them to ...
The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and Africa, suggests a new study.
To account for the numerous gaps in the fossil record, they treated the parts of the world where fossils have not been uncovered as missing information rather than designating them areas where no ...
The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and Africa, suggests a new study led by UCL (University College London) ...
By using dinosaurs' close reptilian cousins to close gaps in the fossil record, a new model points to an ancient supercontinent as the birthplace of the extinct creatures.