In the galaxy of Gene Rodenberry's 59-year-old "Star Trek" franchise, humanity enjoys an idyllic, utopian, primary-colored future in which a non-lethal phaser and a persuasive argument can put an end ...
Scientists have found a planet with the fastest known winds in the solar system – its winds are 2,000 times faster than Neptune, which has the fastest winds in our solar system ...
Although fans of A Song of Ice and Fire might still be hankering for the long-delayed next book in the series, bestselling sci-fi/fantasy author George R.R. Martin has instead added a different item ...
A PLANET nestled more than 500 light-years away from Earth is home to the fastest known winds. Barrelling through space at 20,000mph, the “supersonic” gales would be fierce enough to ...
The project, called OpenUniverse, relied on the now-retired Theta supercomputer at the DOE’s (Department of Energy’s) Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. The supercomputer accomplished a process ...