A student was killed while another two injured during a high school shooting Wednesday morning in Nashville, the capital city ...
博域中学正式成为多伦多大学的推荐合作学校 ,是加拿大安大略省以外唯一获此殊荣的中学。这一合作不仅突显了多伦多大学对博域中学教学质量的认可,也为我们的学生开辟途径进入全球顶尖大学。
Recently, an enchanting graduation makeup show took place at the School of Art, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology.
今次介绍的Colchester Royal Grammar School,正正就是学术成绩优异,可媲美私校,同时兼重培训学生品格和兴趣的学校,亦是全英约160间Grammar ...
Xu Jiajin, the criminal convicted of killing eight people and injuring 17 in a knife attack at a vocational school in east ...