Larry Lee Bailey, affectionately known as Beetle, passed away on January 14, 2025, at the age of 87 in Canton, Ohio. Born on December 20, 1937, to Fred Bailey and Pauline Hite Bailey, Larry spent his ...
Yet another area of study in computer science is AI. Instead of seeing AI as a means of taking over programming and computer science careers, it should be viewed as a collaborative tool that ...
Scientific Computing for Chemists is a free text for teaching basic computing skills to chemists using Python, Jupyter notebooks, and the other Python packages. This text makes use of a variety of ...
Counter Programming: A Brief History of Time and Philomena Your guide to the best indie films of the weekend—popcorn not included. This week, it's two artfully told true stories.
In January, 2011, C-SPAN expanded its programming offerings with a new history-based service airing weekends on C-SPAN3. American History TV (AHTV) features programming geared toward history ...
Futhark is a purely functional data-parallel programming language in the ML family. It can be compiled to typically very efficient parallel code, running on either a CPU or GPU. The language is ...