Colposcopy is a procedure that allows a health practitioner to perform a magnified visual inspection of the internal and external genitalia in the context of a standard gynecologic exam.
I came with very limited knowledge about cervical cancer & the colposcopy (procedure?) & feel ready to start mentored coploscopys. This program will definitely make me more marketable, but more ...
According to hospital documents, the nurse was involved in colposcopies - a procedure that takes a ... 3% of those to attend another appointment. Colposcopy is undertaken if a smear test - also ...
If the Pap smear is abnormal, a colposcopy may be performed. A colposcopy is an office procedure that uses a special microscope (colposcope) to examine the tissue lining the cervix and walls of the ...
Foley catheter balloon may allow improved photodocumentation of hymenal trauma when used with colposcopy technique in adolescents (Jones, Dunnuck, Rossman, Wynn, & Genco, 2003).