In Palahalli, police are taking additional measures to combat anti-social activities. The SP has formed a special task force to monitor local activities and raise awareness within the community.
Several youths occupy the space and engage in all kind of illegal activities, strewing liquor bottles and used needles around.” When we approach such people indulging in anti-social activities ...
In a continued effort to eradicate social evils, the Sukkur police have intensified their crackdown on individuals involved in illicit activities.Under the directives of Senior Superintendent of ...
The Chief of Gomoa Tarkwa in the Gomoa West District of the Central Region Nana Atta Kwakwa Egyir Oposu VII has advised the youth in the country to seek personal development rather than engaging in ...
Gujarat has cybercrime detection units in most of its districts. In addition, a team of cyber experts has been assigned to form a cyber patrol team, which monitors the internet 24/7 to identify social ...
He highlighted the rise of new organizations involved in anti-social activities during the state's ethnic crisis. Singh urged media support to restore normalcy and promised police action against the ...
Several 'Mo Toilets' in Jatani town, Khordha, lie defunct post-inauguration due to alleged government negligence, turning into hubs for anti-social activities. Despite lakhs spent, poor urban planning ...