In Palahalli, police are taking additional measures to combat anti-social activities. The SP has formed a special task force to monitor local activities and raise awareness within the community.
SHILLONG, Jan 27: Aiming to transform the Urkaliar area, previously a dumping zone and hotspot for anti-social activities, into a cleaner and safer space while also protecting natural resources like ...
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a circular directing higher educational institutions (HEIs) to take necessary steps for the implementation of anti-ragging measures at campus.
Upazila Executive Officer Khairul Islam participated in the bicycle rally. At the end of the rally, the speakers highlighted the terrible and harmful aspects of various anti-social activities such as ...
CCTV footage shows Randeri's white car making a U-turn and hitting a police constable before he attempted to flee. Officials confirmed that charges of attempted murder and obstruction of a public ...