Using nuclear medicine techniques, physiologic activity and processes can be identified in a way that is unique from other modalities. Oftentimes it is helpful to know the exact location of the ...
A quality control study was performed by 10 nuclear medicine technology students to evaluate the response of gamma cameras to three radionuclides: technetium-99m, gallium-67, and thallium-201.
Computer-generated curves from 99m Tc DTPA renal studies provide information about renal blood flow and function. The characteristic appearance of these curves can be altered by a variety of ...
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if volume-rendered three-dimensional displays could improve the accuracy of reporting renal cortical scars in patients imaged with 99m Tc ...
A simple computerized reporting system for quality assurance testing of dose calibrators is described. The user enters the administrative parameters such as institutional header, dose calibrator ...