Joe Aiken, a student at Rochester Academy Charter School, reached a significant milestone in his high school basketball career on Thursday by scoring his 1,000th point during a game against Bishop ...
Six of nine sports teams at LSU Shreveport compiled team GPAs of at least 3.0, and the average GPA for all teams in the ...
In a video of the town hall meeting posted by an SSU coach, tensions flared between athletes and and the school’s interim president. At one point, a player’s microphone was cut off as he attempted to ...
As different as they may seem, there are a lot of parallels between lacrosse and the field of computer science. Kennesaw State University student Kendal Elison said both require persistence and ...
Laine Spindler is a senior cheerleader and runner for the cross country and track teams at Fort Frye high school. Being a ...
A scholarship for Hispanic student athletes at Western Oregon University receives money from sales of a specialty beer, ...
New details have emerged in the investigation into who killed 17-year-old Noah Scurry, a star student-athlete shot to death outside of his home, in front of his mother.
The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights released a fact sheet on Thursday clarifying the rules of NIL payments and Title IX compliance.
At Bluefield Union Mission, athletes got together to give back to the community in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Meet the Seacoast Students of the Week for Jan. 20. This week's students represent York High School, Dover High School, ...
With nationwide changes occurring that reshape the financial support for college student athletes, Ole Miss Athletics is ...
The nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among basketball participants for 2024-2025 is open.