The more researchers examine RNA, the more surprises they continue to uncover. What have we learned about RNA structure and function so far? Although RNA is a single-stranded molecule, researchers ...
这个名字看着有点拗口,其实非常好理解。回到我们的中学课本“中心法则”的定义:遗传信息从DNA传递给RNA,再从RNA传递给蛋白质,完成遗传信息的转录和翻译。过往,我们常常提到的RNA,参与的正是这种蛋白质编码的过程。而非编码小RNA,名符其实,是一类 ...
The central dogma of molecular biology suggests that the primary role of RNA is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins. In reality, there is much more to the RNA story. However ...
图1. 尼帕病毒L-P复合物冷冻电镜重构图及三维结构 基于结构,团队鉴定出了模板RNA、产物RNA以及核苷三磷酸进出聚合酶的通道。有意思的是 ...
预制胶卡夹包括12 个分离通道和一个内置的凝胶槽 QIAxcel 系统自带程序,配套相应的预制胶卡夹可以对各种核酸进行分析,包括PCR 产物,多重PCR 产物,限制性酶切产物,oligo DNA, 总RNA ...