When he battle’s lost and won! SISTER 1: That will be ere the set of sun. NARRATOR: Macbeth. A Scottish lord. Here he is – not far from those witches,leading the Scottish army against a ...
Donald Trump has a new condition on federal assistance to California. It’s all part of a plan to use the country’s largest state for his own political agenda. MLK’s Family Has One Request ...
Specifically, the connection comes down to a single shared cast member: Mary Ellen Trainor. She plays the same character in Ricochet, Gail Wallens, that she did in Die Hard. Wallens is one of the news ...
A lakeside getaway becomes a battleground for couples in this fast, furious and exceptionally fun horror-comedy. By Jeannette Catsoulis Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon star in a romantic comedy ...