It remains unclear how much weight many of the orders will carry, but policy specialists who spoke to Nature say that they ...
在科研领域,经费通常被视为推动创新的关键驱动力。 然而,最近一则消息震撼了学术界:一位科学家利用个人资金,在顶级期刊Science上成功发表文章,未依赖任何国家资助。此事件不仅成为热搜话题,还引发了广泛讨论。
China's Ministry of Education has told primary and secondary schools that they must step up science education as the world's second largest economy looks to boost scientific and technological ...
2025年1月9日,北京大学周欢萍教授、张艳锋教授(共同通讯作者)在Science上发表了题为《Wafer-scale monolayer MoS2 film integration for stable, efficient perovskite ...