Researchers have derived a formula for viral behavior in the Wild Cards, a science fiction series written by a collection of authors about an alien virus called the Wild Card that mutates human DNA.
The Kowalinski group at EMBL Grenoble discovered notable differences between the nuclear cap-binding complex in trypanosomes and humans, a critical component in cellular RNA metabolism. Trypanosomes ...
Although fans of A Song of Ice and Fire might still be hankering for the long-delayed next book in the series, bestselling sci-fi/fantasy author George R.R. Martin has instead added a different item ...
Researchers at the Crick have uncovered which genes on the Y chromosome regulate the development of sperm and impact fertility in male mice. This research could help us understand why some men don't ...
If once of your buddies needs to poop or pee, you are more likely to need to go as well, scientists say, confirming that is is not only yawning that is contagious. Their study of chimps showed ...