But they have a lesser-known cousin that delivers many of the same benefits, with the added advantage of needing less weight to effectively strengthen your muscles: the good-morning exercise.
I’m doing reps of good morning exercises in my bathroom (this will make more sense later), feeling a bit overwhelmed by my schedule but grateful for the respite of this random exercise break.
With both Christmas and Hanukkah around the corner, there’s a good chance you’re convening ... If you’re making an effort to get more exercise over the holiday season, you should also ...
(1) Good morning. My name is Jake and I’m going to talk about my exercise routine. Don’t worry! I’m not a gym-bunny or one of those people who does nothing in their spare time except exercise.
But research indicates that exercise can actually help curb some of the negative physiological effects of a bad night’s sleep. Interestingly, as Rhonda Patrick, PhD, a biomedical scientist and ...