She made an unforgettable debut with her portrayal of the lovable Jesse in Ye Maaya Chesave (2010), the Telugu adaptation of Gautham Vasudev Menon’s Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa, marking the beginning of ...
Telluride winters bring the full range of ailments including colds, flus and bone fractures impacting locals, tourists and health practitioners themselves. With a shared appreciation for integrative ...
Intense fitness routines can be daunting, but simply going for a walk can significantly improve your health. Upping your daily steps will quickly make a difference and put you on the path to a longer ...
These 6 at-home methods can help provide pain relief before breaking the bank on medication or complement your medical approach with lifestyle choices.
According to the American Psychological Association, 41% of parents say they are so stressed most days they cannot function, and nearly half say their stress is overwhelming.
Rest days are a standard part of exercise programs, but they’re not the only way to avoid overworking yourself. Contrary to what a lot of beginner advice says, you don't always need a rest day after ...
Here are some small- to mid-sized breeds that might be a good match for an older adult: · Poodle: Known for being smart and adaptable, there are many varieties of poodles. They range in size from ...