The three-dimensional shape of a protein can be used to resolve deep, ancient evolutionary relationships in the tree of life, according to a study in Nature Communications. It is the first time ...
Electrical engineers have developed a better way to perform the comparative analysis of entire genomes. This approach can be used to study relationships between different species across geological ...
For the first time, researchers used data from protein shapes and combined it with data from genomic sequences to improve the reliability of evolutionary trees—which they describe as a critical ...
Researchers at Hokkaido University have developed a new computational tool to help evolutionary biologists analyze complex genetic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species and the ...
To account for the numerous gaps in the fossil record, they treated the parts of the world where fossils have not been uncovered as missing information rather than designating them areas where no ...
The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and Africa, suggests a new study led by UCL (University College London) ...