O ne of Earth’s seven quasi-moons has just got a new name: Asteroid 2004 GU9 is now known as Cardea, one of the Roman deities of doors and thresholds with a particular focus on hinges.
E lectromagnetic chorus waves once thought to only exist close to the Earth have been found at a distance of 165,000 ...
The case of mistaken identity was quickly resolved, but astronomers say it shows the need for transparency around craft in ...
More than 10 years after its 2013 release, After Earth (streaming on Peacock here) still rates as one of the most expensive ...
john a. powell explains why we distance ourselves from groups of people and how we can all find the connection that we crave.
Darwin wasn't the only scientist who thought females couldn't be promiscuous. Angus John Bateman had very similar ideas.
A chain of unexplained rings in Australia has been found to be not a natural formation but evidence of millennia of human ...
Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian mystic and herbalist, was born in 1911 and was known for allegedly predicting major global ...
The mounds lie north of a feature of Mars known as the Martian dichotomy, where the towering, ancient highlands of the ...
"In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities — Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York — are nothing but legends. Barely a stone is left where ...
Reed Richards seeks help from the Black Knight to understand magic and find Doctor Doom in this preview of Fantastic Four #28 ...
James Dyke writes a regular environmental column for i. He is an Associate Professor in Earth System Science at Exeter University. His book Fire, Storm and Flood: the Violence of Climate Change is out ...