Astronomers have measured the wind speeds on a faraway world and found that they without comparison, not only to anything on ...
FRBs are challenging to study due to their fleeting nature FRB 20240209A was confirmed to be coming from outside a dead ...
"The Zanclean megaflood was an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon, with discharge rates and flow velocities that eclipse all ...
Joe Velaidum of Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island narrowly avoided a collision with an incoming meteorite at his home in ...
Continent-size islands deep inside Earth's mantle could be more than a billion years old, a new study finds.
A new computational tool improves the analysis of genetic data, making it easier and faster to study the evolutionary relationships between species.
The most detailed panorama of the entire Andromeda galaxy is packed with science that could revolutionize our understanding of how spiral galaxies across the universe form and evolve.
Discover how large-scale marine protected areas (LSMPAs) are enhancing tuna catch rates while preserving marine ecosystems.
Researchers from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology found that global warming is causing glass eels' numbers to increase in Hokkaido's rivers.
Scientists have discovered that juvenile bottlenose dolphins have specialized receptors for detecting the fatty acids in ...
Humans have stared down extinction from pandemics, war, famine, and more during our brief time on Earth. But how do we ...
Scientists have detected cosmic waves that sound like birds chirping in an unexpected place. These bursts of plasma, called ...