Indiana's Natural Resources Commission held the final public hearing on controversial plan to resume bobcat trapping in the ...
About a dozen people gathered Thursday at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Franklin to ask the Indiana Natural Resources ...
State legislators passed a bill last year requiring the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to establish bobcat trapping rules by July. Once established, the new rules would allow Hoosiers to ...
The proposed rule changes would add bobcats to the list of species for which a game breeder’s license is required, establish a bobcat trapping season in 40 southern Indiana counties, including a ...
Indiana Natural Resources Commission is holding a public hearing in Franklin as part of the establishing trapping rules for bobcats. Photo provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife At a meeting to be ...
Hoosiers from around the state voiced opposition to a proposed bobcat trapping season in Indiana at a public hearing Thursday in Franklin. An overwhelming majority opposed the idea entirely or ...
Global wildlife populations have declined 73% over the past 50 years. Grief is both a valid and necessary reaction to that astounding tragedy. But that loss also ...
Bobcats were nearly driven to extinction in our state by hunting and trapping. They were able to begin a comeback because their endangered status through 2005 prevented their hunting and trapping.