The Minecraft bug reporting system is being overhauled, and the community will have to adapt to the changes soon. Bugs are a crucial aspect of every game, and the extensive player base is known to ...
The highlight of Minecraft snapshot 25w04a is the reversal of the controversial movement nerf, addressing a key concern for players. Beyond that, the technical changes provide valuable tools for ...
Welcome to our article about the Axolotl. The world is home to a plethora of exciting species. Many have characteristics that appear almost incomprehensible to humans. One such exciting critter is the ...
When a bug exists in a game for over a decade without being fixed, you can pretty safely call it a feature at that point. Minecraft is a game with no shortage of long-standing bugs that players ...
Minecraft players petition Mojang to reverse recent movement bug fixes, harming speedrunning. Movement changes affect parkour and building, leading to slower gameplay. The petition has over 1,400 ...
A Minecraft player recently discovered a shipwreck in the sky, about 60 blocks above the surface of the ocean below. Other fans also reported discovering similar bugs in the past. Recently ...
This photo captures the curious and friendly personality of an axolotl, also known as the "Mexican walking fish". Image by Mattias Banguese via Unsplash. Meet Glob, the Axolotl Planet Team’s ...
The axolotl (ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) is the Peter Pan of salamanders. While most amphibians grow out of their aquatic phase to begin their lives on land, the axolotl largely retains its larval ...
Axolotls have become household names thanks to their appearances in video games like Minecraft and social media platforms showcasing their cute, engaging behavior. They are interactive pets that ...