Bollywood singer Armaan Malik, known for his impressive vocals, recently expressed his wish to lend his voice to Shah Rukh Khan and collaborate with Arijit Singh in 2025. He also discussed the ...
In an exclusive chat with News18 Showsha, Armaan says, “I really want to play in Madison Square Garden in New York and be the voice for Shah Rukh sir. I also want to do a cool duet with Arijit Singh.
The popular musician also speaks about his association with Royal Stag Boombox, an experiential music festival, and how being the voice for superstar Shah Rukh Khan and collaborating with Arijit Singh ...
In a recent interview with News18, Armaan Malik shared his aspirations ... He also expressed a strong desire to collaborate with Arijit Singh on a duet, calling it an 'amazing' partnership.
A pickup vehicle lost its balance and overturned on the Jhajjar bypass today, resulting in the death of a minor. The deceased ...
Because he chose Abhira over Vidya, Armaan feels bad. While Manoj defends Abhira, Kaveri shows her disappointment in Abhira ...