A wiseman next door in Tanzania, retired President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, advised that if a government wants to expel a tribe, they should let them go with their land.
These efforts aim to break the cycle of marginalisation that has held back generations of neurodiverse individuals in Africa. What sets the Dyslexia Advocates Fellowship apart is its emphasis on ...
More than just a film, Our African Hairitage is a movement—a revival of African roots and a celebration of identity, inspiring a new generation to embrace and take pride in their heritage. The ...
Starfall is also introducing new weapons to Delta Force, along with new movements, maps, operators, and plenty of balance adjustments, gameplay improvements, and fixes across many aspects of the game.
[1] The applicant, African Transformation Movement (ATM), is a political party, duly registered as such in terms of s 15(1) of the Electoral Commission Act 51 of 1996 (the Commission Act). It ...
On the same day it was referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs by Republicans who see the idea of an independent sovereign Somaliland as an attractive proposition worth exploring to its ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...