Asheville has completed needed accessibility upgrades at its city-owned downtown parking decks, it said Jan. 14.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office said the hotel is in the process of making the changes and will continue to make improvements over the next 30 months.
The Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa is making changes to become ADA compliant after a person with disabilities complained, the ...
14 that it has completed accessibility upgrades at its downtown parking garages ... that found signs of deterioration and some building code violations, along with the ADA issues.
Hawaii's DCAB introduced a new sign for reserved van-accessible parking to promote the 'Park with Aloha' spirit.
Improvements began alongside an August 2023 facility assessment that found signs of deterioration ... More:Asheville residents allege ADA noncompliance of downtown parking deck; How bad is it?