The Golden Age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over ...
Welcome to, a showcase for The Voice of America, the largest U.S. international broadcaster. Below you will find the latest headlines from VOA's 48 language services, which publish hundreds of ...
While the United States has a long history of accepting immigrants from around the world fleeing persecution and war, the term “refugee” wasn’t defined until the mid-20th century following the massive ...
សម្តេច នរោត្តម សីហនុ ដែល បាន សោយទិវង្គត ហើយ នោះ បាន ក្លាយ ជា និមិត្តរូប កម្ពុជា បន្ទាប់ ពី កម្ពុជា ទាមទារ បាន ឯករាជ្យ ...
Thousands of workers died during Qatar 2022 World Cup-related construction, far more than in the run up to every other World Cup or Olympic Games in the past 30 years combined. This short documentary ...
“How is your daughter doing? Is she well?” The email to Nazenin Ansari, from someone she suspects is an Iranian agent, sent shivers up the journalist’s spine. It didn’t matter that Ansari was in the ...
Édgar Zúñiga runs this 80-year-old ice cream shop in Quito. This shop has seen a lot of history, including back in the 1990s when power had to be rationed. There were blackouts and even a national ...
It was just a regular run to the store with his children. With his youngest in the cart, Jésus Humberto González focused on what he needed to buy. It was just a regular run to the store with his ...
Berapa jumlah pengungsi akibat konflik bersenjata di Nduga? Pertanyaan itu sulit dijawab oleh pihak terkait, yang mengakui kesulitan untuk mengetahui jumlah persis pengungsi konflik Nduga akibat ...
The vast majority of U.S. presidents came to office as veterans, which included service in state militias and the National Guard. Several presidents were prominent military generals, including George ...
“I was leaving school ... just walking home, maybe a block from my school to home.” “One of my mom’s friend’s sons happened to be heading towards the same direction.” “He was four years older than me, ...
The Democratic candidates running for president have a range of experiences, with some serving in high-profile elected positions, such as vice president, state governor or a U.S. Congress member, ...