In the original Pac-Man (released in October 1980 as an arcade game in Japan), the ghosts, also known as the "Ghost Gang," each had unique AI traits that contributed to the game's enduring appeal.
As one of the more iconic bugs in gaming history, reaching level 256 in the Pac-Man arcade game would cause half of the screen to be rendered in a jumbled mess. The left of the screen would appear ...
Adam “PacMan” Jones told me in an interview that it is difficult to watch so many people being put into prison for decades. “This sh*$ got to stop,” Jones told me, “you got one guy doing ...
Pac-Man has seen its fair share of releases and interpretations throughout the course of its more than 40-year history. From its origins as an arcade classic to some more experimental games later ...
The brothers, now retired from active competition as prizefighters, will also be riding on the crest of the highly productive 1-Pacman party-list group when the national campaign period for the ...