2024年4月8日,任天堂正式停用了Wii U平台的在线服务,这一决定让无数忠实玩家感到惋惜。Wii U自2012年诞生以来,凭借其独特的双屏操作方式及众多经典游戏, garnered a loyal ...
The Switch 2’s new Joy-cons aren’t just bigger and magnetic but also appear to have new mouse-like functionality. This opens ...
Looking back on the history of Nintendo's day one console releases to see how the Switch's measure up to the legacy ...
Here's how the Nintendo Switch 2 could embrace Wii U and 3DS games using its new top USB-C port to provide dual-screen ...
IT之家 1 月 20 日消息,上周任天堂正式公布了其新一代游戏主机,命名为“Nintendo Switch 2”。这一命名打破了任天堂以往在主机命名上的创意传统,选择了更为直接和简洁的方式。此前,业界曾猜测新主机可能被命名为“Super ...
在任天堂正式公布Switch2之后,有关这款新主机的分析就层出不穷。近日游戏行业顾问Serkan Toto在接受外媒“GamesRadar+”采访时就表示,虽然Switch 2将会是任天堂的新主机,但这款设备恐怕难吸引主流买家。 对此Serkan ...
Zombi U on Wii U was peak horror gaming, and the failed console's second-screen gimmick held so much more potential ...
Given that a number of new Nintendo Switch exclusive games will come in 2025, here is a detailed look at the best of them.
A former member of Nintendo reveals that the 100th anniversary of the company, surprisingly, wasn't celebrated at the company ...