The long tail of this Australian bird gives it its name ... Sometimes the crowns of the males have a yellow patch that is ...
Its calls are usually loud and often provide the best evidence to the presence of the bird ... tent caterpillars. The yellow-billed cuckoo has a slender body, a long tail, and rounded wings.
elegant bird with a distinctive long, pointed tail. Its body is predominantly pale pinkish grey-brown, with a white rump and underparts. The face features a striking black 'bib' extending from the ...
The Yellow Wagtail is a small, graceful, yellow and green bird, with a medium-length tail and slender black legs. It spends much time walking or running on the ground. As its name implies, it wags its ...
Adult: relatively small, slender; moderately long tailed. Whitish gray throat, pale gray breast with whitish transition to pale yellow belly. Brown crown and brownish gray back separated by subtle ...
A strange, rare summer visitor to southern England and East Anglia, the Stone-curlew is a crow-sized bird with a large head, yellow legs and relatively long wings and tail. Active at night, its large ...