Over an year after the Amritsar-Delhi Vande Bharat Express train was started, announcement for its extension is likely to be made on January 26, said sources in the Railways.
According to the reports, the train will depart at 7 PM from New Delhi railway station and will reach Srinagar next day ...
Vande Bharat Express train latest update: Here comes a big update for rail passengers! The Indian Railways revised the schedule of three Vande Bharat Express trains. From the beginning of the ...
The Indian Railways have some renowned trains like Vande Bharat Express, Namo Bharat, Rajdhani, and Shatabdi, which are known for their high-class service and state-of-the-art facilities.
Srinagar, Chandigarh, Agra, Lucknow, Amritsar, Hindon and Gwalior airports reported zero visibility. Over 50 trains coming to Delhi are late. The 22436 New Delhi Vande Bharat Express is delayed by ...