引言近年来,单细胞RNA测序技术(scRNA-seq)在揭示复杂生物系统和探索遗传学及临床研究中取得了突破性进展。然而,仅依赖单一的转录组信息往往难以区分分子相似但功能差异显著的细胞类别。因此,融合多种模态信息的单细胞测序技术逐渐成为研究热点,通过同时获取单个细胞的多维数据,研究人员能够更全面地解析细胞状态及其 ...
2024年3月25日,《Nature Methods》杂志上发表了一项引人瞩目的研究,题为《Assessing GPT-4 for cell type annotation in single-cell RNA-seq ...
In a paper published in SCIENCE CHINA Life Science, an international team of scientists provided a comprehensive overview of ...
Researchers have amassed vast single-cell gene expression databases to understand how the smallest details impact human biology. However, current analysis methods struggle with the large volume of ...
2025年1月10日,北京大学何航 团队与邓兴旺 团队在Advanced Science 发表了题为Cell-type Specific miRNA Regulatory Network Responses to ABA Stress ...
Studies of living participants and postmortem brains confirm that gene expansion is a promising target for HD prevention ...
New genetic research shows why some people develop deadly Huntington's disease earlier than others. The findings could lead to better treatments.
In vivo perturbations and single-cell RNA-seq reveal cell-type-specific STAT1-IFNg signaling in regulation of trained immunity in tissue-resident immune cells.