Dominic is taking a look at eGPU performance. He tests an RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, 3080 and 3090 in a Cooler Master's EG200 ...
13821 的分数在移动端明显强于 RTX 3080 Ti(12717 分)和 RTX 4070(12488 分),同时还高于桌面端的 RTX 3070(13676 分)和 RTX 4060 Ti(8GB 款 13507 分、16GB 款 ...
而桌面端的RTX 3070分数为13676分,RTX 4060 Ti的8GB和16GB版本分别为13507分和13485分,同样被RTX 5060 Laptop所超越。 这一成绩无疑显示了英伟达在移动端显卡 ...
DLSS 4 is arguably the biggest selling point of the new RTX 50-series, but any Nvidia RTX GPU can benefit. Here's how.