To ensure they get the full credit and exposure they deserve, here are 20 famous women scientists who changed the world.
Women’s History Month honors the contributions of women to American culture and society. ACS has selected a few of many distinguished women scientists (some still unknown) in history whose dedication ...
It found women had fewer chances to serve on committees or speak at scientific meetings. Cern cuts ties with 'sexist' scientist Five women shaking up the science world Four women who changed the ...
Who was Marie Curie? Explore the inspiring story of the famous female scientist who discovered radium and radioactivity. Who was Mary Anning? Explore the life of Mary Anning, one of the greatest ...
US biology textbooks highlighted seven men for every woman scientist. And black women were not represented a single time in any of the works analysed. Based on the current rate, it will be ...
It has yielded a list of 1,000 top scientists. And from this list, we’ve selected six, four men and two women, whose stories capture the sweep of climate science today. These are not just ...