The Lambert W function is a special mathematical function that arises in various fields of science and engineering, particularly in solving transcendental equations. It is defined as the inverse ...
Then call the LambertW function as follows: cout << LambertW(z,k) <<'\n'; to print out the value of W at the point z on the k-th branch. k must be an integer. If k is left out, it is understood to be ...
The determination of the frequency band leads to an inverse exponential equation. To solve this equation analytically a special function, the Lambert W function, is needed. The latter provides a ...
Abstract: This brief presents two new equivalent circuit schemes for triple-diode solar cell models (TDM). These schemes enable the formulation of an analytical relationship between current and ...
This cannot be done without resorting to the W Lambert function. Thomas Klemm and Gerson W. Barbosa offered solutions to the W function as HP-41 programs. I simply merged the programs into one.
The expression is derived by using the Lambert-W function to solve a tractable class of mortgage refinancing problems. We calibrate our solution and show that our quantitative results closely match ...