With Christ’s death, the sting of death as a consequence of our sin has been removed. The eternal death that was due to us because of our sin has been conquered with Christ’s resurrection to the ...
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, Jesus Christ never stops revealing Himself as Lord and Savior. He does this, for instance, by allowing us to experience His peace and joy through stories ...
When we gather to support each other in overcoming this challenge through (Jesus Christ), my experience is that he is there with us,” says leader of 12-step program.
They even absent themselves from the Eucharist and public prayers, because they will not admit that the Eucharist is the self-same Body of our Saviour Jesus Christ which suffered for our sins ...
In this way of living, we are called especially to embrace those who differ from us, particularly in matters of sexuality, ethnicity, race, and gender.