The Outdoor Adventures’ 22-foot climbing wall welcomes all experience levels, from hard-crimping climbers looking for difficult problems to first-timers hoping to try out climbing in a relaxed, ...
Last April, hackerspaces around the country received a gift from RedBull for their creation challenge. The hackerspace teams were charged with creating, ‘something with LEDs’ and let loose in ...
Climbing at Princeton University is alive and well. For more than two decades, the OA climbing wall has been the home and the focal point for climbing at Princeton ... Princeton students built the ...
and if you don’t live near any mountains you can build your own climbing wall as well. For the latter, many have turned to 3D printers to create more rock-like climbing grips but plastic doesn ...
Furthermore, you will also need the expertise to build your mobile rock-climbing wall. Liability insurance and safety equipment are an absolute must in order to run a mobile rock climbing business.