1月23日,青海省发布了《青海省2025年普通高等学校考试招生录取工作实施方案》 (以下简称《录取方案》,详见青海省教育考试网-普通高考栏目:https://www.qhjyks.com)。为帮助大家全面学习、系统了解和准确把握主要内容,现就有关问题解读如下。
It's called the gaokao, and is known as one of the toughest exams in the world. Lots of western universities now take Chinese students based on their gaokao scores, rather than other standardized ...
This week around 10 million students across China have sat the Gaokao - a college entrance exam which determines their entire future. Hanging over their heads, though, is the recent revelation ...
All applications for undergraduate programmes should be made through UCAS. We accept the Gaokao for direct entry to our undergraduate programmes. For courses with A Level grades of AAA or above we ...