依据新政策规定,卖家需要自行承担所有尖锐产品的包装工作,其中包括将产品运送至亚马逊的 FBA 履行中心。在包装尖锐产品时,卖家必须选用安全且具备防割、防刺功能的包装材料,像硬化塑料或者泡壳包装等。
Amazon is bringing back peak season fees for third-party sellers that plan to use its mix of fulfillment services this ...
The e-commerce and technology company has begun applying for permits to fly delivery drones in Darlington, England.
"Amazon is a major employer, and we want to ensure that its employees have efficient and affordable access to work,” ...
The facilities are now operational and accepting new brand partners seeking temperature-controlled fulfillment solutions.
Amazon is closing its north Reno fulfillment center, potentially affecting hundreds of workers in the area. The retail giant ...