Complex systems such as metabolic pathways, ecosystems, the Internet, or human societies are comprised of large numbers of components that interact according to rules that change over time and that ...
Introduces methods of complex variables, contour integration ... Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of APPM 2350 or MATH 2400 and APPM 2360 (all minimum grade C-) and a prerequisite or ...
A Japanese entrepreneur is offering to shell out $1 million (140 million yen) to anyone who can finally resolve a deadlock over a proof of a math brainteaser. Nobuo Kawakami, the founder of Dwango ...
A first course in theory of analytic functions of one complex variable: complex differentiability and the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy Integral Theorem and Cauchy Integral Formula, Taylor and ...
This educational video comes from a strange and distant land: the 1990s. Based on the mathematical concept of sphere inversion, it should be incredibly boring. The graphics are rudimentary ...