Bihar Governor Arif Mohammad Khan on Sunday expressed condolence with the family of renowned cartoonist Harish Chandra Shukla, popularly known as ‘Kak,’ who died earlier this month. The governor met ...
The cartoons are all collected in her web series ... But along with the numerous fans, the Indian political cartoonist also faces extreme online hate, including rape and death threats.
A screenshot of the cartoon which was shared widely on social media An Indian journalist and cartoonist who has received online threats over a cartoon that refers to recent incidents of rape says ...
The festival was inaugurated by senior journalist Avinash Bhat, with notable cartoonists Vaijnath Dulange, Ghanshyam Deshmukh, Lahu Kale, Ganesh Joshi, and painter Murali Lahoti in attendance. The ...
"With cartoons such as his take on the data mining and CNN, he doesn't hesitate to go beyond politics, Wolf Blizter was a good sport about the April Madness cartoon; CNN asked for the original ...
India is set to become the world's most populous country by April end Many Indians, including a minister, have been criticising a cartoon in German magazine Der Spiegel that they say was racist ...